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Astrology 101

Learn the Structure of the Natal Chart
So You Can Begin to Bridge the 
As Above and So Below


Friday, February 11th
1:00pm Central
A replay will be sent out!

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Astrology is the language that allows us to bridge the connection between the As Above and So Below. When you understand the language of astrology, you can dance with the rhythms of Earth and Sky with an expanded awareness.


Have you wanted to learn to read astrology charts but felt overwhelmed with all the symbols and trying to make meaning of them? Planet glyphs? Sign glyphs? Houses? All those red and blue lines in the middle of the chart with angle symbols?


Once you learn to decode the symbols and different components of an astrology chart, you can make meaning of the chart by adding meaning from the different pieces of the puzzle together. (I have a bit of a hard time comparing an astrology chart to a puzzle because I think of each astrology chart as a beautiful cosmic tapestry that will only ever be woven once in the sky for all time, but I hope you get what I’m trying to reflect here!)


In this free webinar, we’re going to start with the very basics to get you oriented to the foundational structure of an astrology chart so you can start bridging the As Above and So Below!

Here’s what you’ll learn!


🌟 The foundational components of an astrology chart


🌟 How to identify the sky in the natal chart based on the chart houses so you could walk outside holding the chart and get a sense of where planets were located in the sky.


🌟 How to determine the four angles in the astrology chart (ascendent, Ic, descendent, and midheaven) which set the structure for the chart. They form the Cross of Matter in the chart. They relate to the big areas of your life!


🌟 Learn the astrological meaning of the four angles in the chart.


You are encouraged to have your own astrology chart to reference throughout the webinar. Once you register, I’ll send you instructions on how to get your chart for free online.


You’ll receive a guided workbook full of resources and step-by-step chart interpretation of your angles!

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About Jaime


Jaime Goldstein is a Heart-Centered astrologer who has an intimate connection with the Living Sky and Earth.  Astrology is an embodied practice for her, and she seeks to inspire others to learn astrology through their direct experience and Heart-wisdom. It’s her core values that astrology be approached in a way that is Heart-Centered, empowering, and inspiring.


When sharing astrology, Jaime weaves her intuition with her deep studies. She holds sacred space in one-on-one astrology consultation sessions, teaching astrology courses, and her 6-month astrology apprenticeship. Through astrology, she seeks to inspire others to live life magically and become more conscious creators of their lives through understanding the multidimensional nature of astrology.



Jaime has her Bachelor’s in Psychology and Specialists Degree (considered halfway between a Master’s and PhD) in School Psychology. Before her Saturn Return, Jaime practiced in the public schools as a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology. Her Saturn Return called her to leave her career in the public schools and step into the unknown to follow her Heart’s calling. Jaime fell deeply in love with astrology during her Saturn Return when trying to make sense of this time period in her life. Astrology felt very much like a past life remembering as she began to study it more deeply.


Jaime is deeply devoted to connecting to astrology as a lived embodied experience. This last year, she has gone on a journey of syncing with Venus’ 19-month cycle with Sasha Rose of Venus Wisdom which has awakened a deeper knowing of astrology within her. Jaime has been featured on podcasts, summits, and a guest teacher on Stormie Grace’s YouTube academy. There is nothing that lights Jaime up more than sharing and teaching astrology and working intimately with clients in astrology chart consultations.

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